Monday, November 14, 2011

Operation Sacred Soil

The Mission:
To Stop Pro-Abortion supporters’ access to speaking engagements on Catholic soil.

Introduction: In this era of legalized abortion Catholics are often confronted by the problem of guest speakers at Catholic parishes and schools, and other institutions who promote legalized abortion—including, sadly, many Catholic lawmakers. Even if the speaker, who has a publicly known pro-abortion position, was invited to address a subject other than abortion, the fact that such a speaker is given a platform, within a Catholic setting, is a cause of scandal and confusion. Persons who actively support legalized abortion, or any other grave injustice contrary to the teachings of the Church, should be shunned and their appearance opposed.

Below are "Seven Holy Steps" that will help you in your effort to have the invitations of pro-abortion speakers rescinded and cancelled.

Please take time to invoke the Holy Spirit as you read through all the steps before acting on any of them.

The Seven Holy Steps:
1. Set up local observation teams to identify announcements of pro-abortion speakers in Catholic hospitals, churches, schools, and other institutions. Parish bulletins and school or hospital newsletters on-line are a good source of information.

2. Your very first contact should be made with the pastor or Administrator where the speech is to take place. Your goal here is to convince this person in authority to rescind the invitation.

3. If the initial contact with the pastor or administrator fails, contact the key person at the affected diocese. (This could be the Auxiliary Bishop, the Chancellor, the Moderator of the Curia, and perhaps the Ordinary himself.) Your purpose here is to get these persons to intervene and take action to have the invitation rescinded. If the diocese has a stated policy that pro-abortion speakers are not permitted to make presentations on diocesan-owned property—use that statement as a means to your end.

4. Organize a prayerful protest and give the diocese a deadline. This is a very important step. Indeed, it may be the only actual leverage you have that may result in the rescinding of the invitation.

5. Contact local media that are not likely to "poison the story” (admittedly a challenge at times).

6. Keep the diocese informed. Do not assume motives for diocesan behavior. They too must work within a system. Give them proper prayer cover as you ask them for relief. Always be polite, respectful, and act with charity. Never assume that your bishop and chancery officials are the enemy. The goal here is to work with them.

7. If the speaker is not cancelled, hold a public, prayerful protest, outside of the parish, school, or affected institution. If the speaker is cancelled at the last minute, hold a public, prayerful thanksgiving.

If the pastor or the diocese cancelled the speaker—thank them. Show your gratitude.


Large entities often cite the “subsidiary rule” as a means to slow down decision-making. If you have followed the steps in order, this rule will not apply. You will have followed a proper chain of command.

Remember that religious orders can only operate in the diocese with the continued permission of the Ordinary (the Bishop). Canon Laws 381, 300-316, 803-814; Copyright 1983 by Libreria Editrice Vaticana.

If you fail to take the Holy Spirit with you, you are bound to fail in every attempt you make. The plan is always to change hearts. This cannot be done without Him.

"Operation Sacred Soil" is supported by

Monica Migliorino Miller, Director of Citizens for a Pro-life Society

Dave Theisen, M.A.
R.E.4.L. – (248) 431-1440